Dimo released 1st Anniversary 65% OFF Promotion on mate products
DimoSoft is thrilled to commence the grand 1st anniversary celebration , for which reason unlimited copies of Blu-ray/DVD video tools with fairly broad functions at up to 65% off will turn into the prey and focus of the public. Read on to know more about the 1st Anniversary Up to 65% discount on Mate Series that they are presenting to their customers from August 26th, 2017 to September 26th, 2017. This year has been incredible for Dimo for within the short span of a year, their popularity has shot up and spread across continents. It achieved the milestone of over tens of millions of downloads and went on to build a user base of over 30 000 000. Their fame spread over USA, Germany, India, Italy and France among others. Hence, it is for the sole purpose of thanking their users that they built this 1 year Anniversary Special Offer. With a variety of offers available to pick from and at whopping 57% OFF , 60% OFF, 62% OFF , 65% OFF discounts and even giveaway , this promotion is quite ...